Saturday, October 13, 2007

The New Computer is You

Seattle Science Blog Digest
May 24 2030
Once upon a time we had computers, television, music devices, cameras, videos and phones all were a means to create, manipulate, store and organize information both current and archival.

Over time these devises were combined in various ways to create hybrid information machines. It was the computer that allowed all these devises to be combined under one roof. At first each of the information machines were equipped with smart functions, so you had small computer devises that had phone, camera and music capabilities. Essentially people carried around computing power that also had communication capabilities which send and received information over a network.

In 2030 Thomas Edmunton, while conducting cell control research, stumbled upon a technique to store and retrieve information from a living cell, essentially discovering how cells themselves stored tasking information by using complex protein combination. Years earlier abnormal cell growth, which was also devastating for human and animal health, called cancer triggered this field of research into why cells would malfunction and mutate causing damage to vital human tissue. Thomas Edmunton along with some twenty other cell scientists over the past 10 years figured out a way to communicate with the cell and cause various protein combinations to occur and then to read these combinations by sending signals through the nervous system.

It had been known for a long time that there was some life force controlling or influencing the actions of cells, to trigger them into carrying out various life promoting activities.

The life force network was discovered in part due to space flights where scientists noticed that organic cells failed to progress beyond certain pre-programmed functions. Long journeys into space resulted in strange cell behavior. sometimes appearing beneficial.

Thomas Edmunton found that the life force network was around the earth, in the material created from the earth and that was in part responsible for the appearance of different species depending on where on the earth an organism was.

What Thomas Edminton and his collegues discovered was that everything had a memory and that this memory was freely available to cells through the synapses network of living tissue. An that this memory could be transmitted and received.

The amount of information that can be stored and retrieved in just one cell is equivalent to the permutations and combinations of 7.29 × 1026 and there are 50 trillion cells belonging to the human body and the human body is host to more than 20 times this number of cells from other microbes cohabitational.

There are approximately 50% of the protein combinations that are dormant or not needed as if they may be a reserve for some other purpose. Thomas Edmunton and team were able to store and retreive using a pseudo life network transceiver 50 terrabits of binary information in 5,000 e coli cells utilizing their redundant base pares and one external endo multi-protein data marker.

Already there are many companies who are offering live storage media in the form of e coli, but their data retreival techniques are destructive requiring a continuous supply of the modified bacteria.

Thomas Edmunton predicts that soon they will be able to store and retrieve data for a wide variety of devises using the harmless e coli available in our own body. It is estimated that each human being will be able to store in their e coli residents the equivalent of half of the information available in the Library of Congress.

Although the speed of signaling using synapses is ten times slower than using electrons, synapses are massively parallel processed using a vary large network of redundant connections while electrical connections although fast are very limited.

They already have a top secret devise for triggering (read/write) and converting the protein sequences. It is believed that the initial uses of this technology will be for national security since it was DARPA who funded the research and owns the rights to the technology.

However a spokesman for DARPA stated that versions of the technology will be released for commercial use within the next few months.

Friday, October 12, 2007

The Biggest Ecological Disaster - Batteries

Los Angles Ecological Adviser
Jan 5 2015

Who would have predicted that the electric car would turn out to be the greatest contributor to the world's ecological problems.

Tens of millions of batteries need to be disposed of each year and many of them end up dumped in the sea or in Land Fills. The reusable battery was a pipe dream. While everybody expected batteries to be made so that their components would be reusable the opposite was true. The public decided they wanted cheaper batteries not more ecological ones so the very environmentally unfriendly batteries became the battery of choice. Soon most of the manufacturer's abandoned the methods that made battery components reusable. The various organizations that collected the used batteries ran out of storage space and started to sell the batteries to shady operators who just dumped them in the sea.

As a result of five years of dumping the batteries in the sea the metal sales in the Lithium categories have risen to very high degrees and the effects are devastating to say the least. Lithium has been attributed to a wide range of mental disorders in almost all species that live in the ocean and those organisms that eat them especially humans.

David Arnold of the Electric Car Association stated that during the early 2010 campaign to rid the planet of the combustion engine he warned of the consequences of not having a strong control over the production and control of the batteries required for the electric car. Now that it is apparent that the battery poses a greater risk than carbon dioxide which incidentally didn't decrease due to other uses of carbon fuels which were increased 100 fold after more fosil fuel material came available after the termination of combustion engines in vehicles, we find ourselves in a very serious problem.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Nuclear Implosions Rock the US Testing Grounds

June 23 2045 -
Nye County, Nevada

In 1945 the United States conducted its first nuclear blast at Alamogordo, New Mexico. The strength of the blast was 20 kilo tons. Now scientists have discovered a shocking phenomena in that over a period of time there is a reverse implosion of a fraction of a magnitude to the original blast, but devastating nevertheless if the phenomena takes place around inhabited areas.

Fortunately since 1963 most of the nuclear detonations have taken place in remote areas, and in testing grounds which remain today off limits. Recently Ted Marullo of the Nevada Property Commission was proposing developing the former testing areas for limited residential and commercial projects, that is, until a large implosion hole was discovered near a former underground test site.
The immediate area exhibited signs of high static charge and most organic material was consumed as if burn with chlorine but not heat. Mike Oksal of the United States Department of Energy stated that the phenomena is still under investigation, but, Dr. Randy McThorn the head of the University of Nevada's nuclear research facility has been working for the last ten years on the theory of reverse atomic recombination where minute elements of the original fissionable material if in proximity of less than 50 meters will recombine robbing quarks from the nucleus of other particles that have the same quantum mass until they reach the same level of potential energy of the original material.

Dr. Randy stated that since atmospheric and under sea blasts have left insufficient moles of the fissionable bi-products of the original blast within proximity of each other there is little chance that this can happen. However, tests are currently being conducted in Nagasaki and Hiroshima to determine if there is even a remote chance of implosion. Dr. Randy stated that given between 5-10 gram-moles of material within 50 meters can create the conditions for anti-kinetic recombination.

He surmises that just like an anti-aircraft projectile shot into the air a fraction of the force expended will return in terms of the impact of remnants of the projectile upon returning to earth by gravitational forces. In quantum mechanics as his theory goes the quarks of split atoms if in mass and proximity will form their own gravitational fields and recombine with violent action. How long it takes to recombine, Dr. Randy stated depends again on the original force, dispersion and time. The greater the force, the longer the time, and the greater the gram-moles present the less time required.

It has been 100 years since the first test and just this year we have had our first known nuclear quark particle recombination. The International Atomic with the Eastern, Central, Asian and Western Economic Blocks are investigating this phenomena and are taking the necessary precautions in affected areas.